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Composite CNC Machining: A Detailed Overview

Composite CNC machining is a modern manufacturing trend that provides groundbreaking possibilities in material engineering and production efficiency. Composite materials provide extensive potential in advanced technologies and emerging industries due to their unique properties and varying combinations. Understanding the specific requirements of CNC machining composite materials is essential to make informed decisions about your project.

This guide explores the basics of composite CNC machining, explaining the fundamental properties of composite materials, constituting elements, and types of composites used in CNC machining. Continue reading to learn the basic steps of CNC machining composites, applications of CNC machined composite parts, and best practices for machining composites. Let’s get to it!

Overview of Composite Materials

Types of Composite Materials

Composites are robust engineering materials formed by combining two unique materials, primarily producing a synthetic product with superior properties to its constituents. The unique composition of these materials is essential since one material forms the matrix while the other is the reinforcement.

This integration improves the chemical and physical properties, including durability, resistance to environmental factors, low thermal expansion, and thermal conductivity. Hence, composites are important in various manufacturing processes, especially CNC machining.

What are the Basic Constituents of Composite Materials?

Three main constituents determine the performance and applications of composite materials. These include:


The matrix is a fundamental composite constituent that connects reinforcement materials firmly to shape and protect them from environmental factors. Matrices are of various types, each chosen depending on the composite material’s end use. These types include:

  • Metal matrices combine the toughness of metals with the strength of reinforcement fibers, making them an ideal choice for high-load applications.
  • Polymer matrices are famous for their low density and corrosion resistance properties. It is often used in automotive parts and consumer goods.
  • Ceramic matrices exhibit high-temperature stability, making them ideal for use in the aerospace and automotive industries.


These materials add mechanical strength and rigidity to composites. Unlike matrix, reinforcements are usually stronger and stiffer. Hence, they enhance the overall properties of the composite material. There are different types of reinforcements, including:

  • Aramid fibers provide remarkable toughness and are utilized in ballistic and aerospace applications.
  • Carbon fibers offer good tensile properties and cost-effective benefits, making them widely used in different applications.
  • Glass fibers are widely used in high-performance applications due to their high tensile strength and stiffness.


The interface is a critical composite constituent and a region where the reinforcement and matrix interact. It is a boundary layer essential to the composite material’s structural integrity and performance. The effectiveness of the interface is paramount for the composite’s mechanical properties, including stiffness, fracture resistance, and strength, since its primary responsibility is transferring load between the matrix and the reinforcement. Interfaces in composite materials include:

  • Chemical Bonding: It develops between the reinforcement and the matrix and is usually improved by sizing agents that increase adhesion or surface treatments. This type of composite materials interface is often employed in aerospace composites to ensure their critical performance requirements.
  • Mechanical Interlocking: Here, the roughness or geometrical features of the reinforcement surfaces cause physical interlocking. This interface type in composite materials is suitable in applications such as construction, where robust mechanical bonding is necessary to withstand substantial stresses.
  • Thermal Bonding: Thermal effects are often employed to form a bond in thermoplastic composites where the reinforcement fibers are better wet by the heated matrix. Typical applications of thermal bonding are in automotive parts manufacturing, where thermal cycling might be a regular part of the operational environment.

Typical Composite Materials Used In CNC Machining

CNC Machined Glass Filled PP Parts

CNC machining materials are often chosen based on their respective cost-efficiency, mechanical properties, and compatibility with the intended application. These advanced materials

We will explore the commonly used composite materials in CNC machining:

  • Aramid Fiber Reinforced Polymer (AFRP)
  • Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP)
  • Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP)
  • Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer (BFRP)
  • Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMC)
  • Metal Matrix Composites (MMC)
  • Hybrid Composites
  • Polymer Matrix Composites (PMC)
  • Boron Fiber Reinforced Polymer (BFRP)
  • Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer (NFRP)
  • Silicon Carbide Reinforcement Polymer (SiCRP)

Stepwise Guide to Composite CNC Machining

Carbon fibres Automotive Parts

CNC machining composite materials is a critical process that requires a meticulous and systemic approach to attain precision and efficiency. We’ll explore the basic steps in the manufacturing process below:

  • Material Review and Selection: First, you have to choose a composite material compatible with the requirements of the intended application. Consider factors such as strength, cost, and heat resistance when choosing a composite material.
  • CAD file Designing and CNC Machine Programming: You can create a detailed design of 3D model for your intended composite machined parts using CAD software. Then, use a CAM software to convert it to CNC-compatible programming codes that guide the operations and optimize the tool paths to minimize stress on the workpiece.
  • CNC Machine Set Up:  Setting up the CNC machine for operation includes loading the tool, configuring settings, and programming the machine based on the project specifications.
  • Prepare the Fixture and Tooling: After the CNC machine has been set up, you must ensure the fixtures that will hold the composite workpiece in place during the machining operation are appropriately installed. Also, preparing the appropriate cutting tool for the job would be best.
  • Machining the Composite: The machining operation such as drilling, turning, laser cutting, routing, or roughing of the composite materials according to the CNC program. Moreover, you can adopt adaptive strategies like hybrid machining for difficult-to-machine composites. You can combine different processes like waterjet cutting and CNC milling to achieve the benefits of both techniques.
  • Inspection and Post-Processing: To ensure the CNC machined composite parts meet tight tolerances and quality standards, you must inspect the machined composite using various techniques. Also, you may need to perform necessary post-processing operations like composite trimming or sanding to achieve the preferred surface finish quality and dimensions.

Standard CNC Machining Tools Used for Composites

CNC machining composite requires specialized tools to manage the unique composite material properties. These CNC tools are carefully selected according to their ability to mitigate damage during machining and improve the final product’s quality. Below are the standard tools used for cutting composite materials:

  • Carbide Tools: Carbide tools are distinguished for their remarkable cost and performance balance. They are ideal for CNC machining composites because of their excellent wear resistance properties and ability to create quality finished in machined composite parts.
  • Chipbreaker Cutters: These tools are specially engineered to break up chips into manageable pieces to reduce heat generated and tool wear during CNC machining.
  • Compression Cutters: Compression cutters are special tools for machiningcomposite panels. They prevent delamination and ensure a superior finish on each side of the workpiece.
  • Compression Routers: Compression routers are essential tools for cutting layered composites because they help to lessen delamination risks and provide a clean edge.
  • Diamond-Coated Tools: Tools coated with diamonds are famous for their hardness and durability. Diamond-coated cutting tools offer a high-quality finish and extended tool life when machining abrasive composites.
  • CVD-coated Tools: Machine tools coated with CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) films exhibit increased wear resistance and prolonged tool life under extreme machining conditions.
  • High-speed Steel (HSS) Tools: HSS tools are more cost-effective for less abrasive composite materials or short runs.
  • Polycrystalline Diamond (PCD) Tools: PCD tools are a perfect choice for high-precision cutting of composite materials for long production runs due to their excellent wear resistance.
  • Straight Flute End Mills: These end mills are ideal for cutting thermoset composites because they can reduce fraying and uncut fibers, providing a smooth surface finish.

Benefits of CNC Machining Composite Materials

Benefits of CNC Machining Composite Materials

Composite CNC machining offers numerous significant advantages, surpassing traditional manufacturing techniques. Here are some of these benefits:

Customization and Flexibility

CNC machining techniques allow product manufacturers to seamlessly switch between composite materials and designs. Hence, this approach is ideal for custom, one-off, and high-volume productions.

Reduced Material Wastage

The high precision of the CNC process helps businesses reduce the amount of composite materials wasted. This efficiency is critical when machining expensive composites because it offers cost-saving benefits and reduced environmental impacts.

Precision and Complexity

Quality Testing for Carbon Fiber Part

Engineers and machinists can create parts with highly complex shapes that are almost impossible to achieve with other production techniques using CNC machining techniques. Hence, composite CNC machining helps ensure parts are tailored to exact specifications without sacrificing the material’s integrity.

Improved Safety

Since a computer controls the machines, the need for direct human interaction with cutting tools is reduced significantly. Therefore, personnel on the machine floor are safer from machining hazards.

High Efficiency and Speed

CNC machines execute different operations at a rapid pace, unlike conventional machining methods. As such, CNC machining composites help manufacturers achieve faster lead times for projects requiring intricate designs and high volumes while increasing productivity.

Improved Durability

Precision CNC machining composite materials help maintain the composite material’s integrity. Therefore, CNC-machined composite parts are more durable and reliable than components manufactured with less precise methods.

Typical Applications of CNC-Machined Composite Parts

CNC Machined Composite Part

Manufacturers across industries utilize composite CNC machining to create many products for different applications. Typical applications of composite CNC machining include:

  • Automotive: Composite materials are suitable for interior furnishing and structural components in vehicle production. Natural fiber-reinforced polymers (NFRP) are the ideal composite material for automotive applications due to their eco-friendly and lightweight properties.
  • Aerospace: In the aerospace industry, composites are ideal for the precision machining aerospace components and engine parts. Carbon fiber-reinforced polymers are amongst the commonly used CNC machining materials in aerospace industries.
  • Medical: Medical part manufacturers rely on composites to create prosthetic limbs due to their lightweight, ensuring users’ comfort and mobility. Also, adding composite materials to the production of surgical tools helps improve their precision, resulting in less invasive surgeries.
  • Marine: In the marine sector, manufacturers utilize fiberglass and carbon fiber composites to make hulls and decks, masts, and booms due to their lightweight, rigidity, and corrosion-resistant properties.
  • Defense: The lightweight properties of composites make them suitable for making frames for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Also, aramid and boron fiber-reinforced polymers are ideal for developing body armor and vehicle armor due to their lightweight and high impact resistance.
  • Wind Energy: Turbine blades are often produced from glass fiber-reinforced polymers (GFRP) to ensure they can withstand environmental stress in their working environment.

Expert Practices for Successful Composite Material CNC Machining

Carbon fibres Production Machining

Various factors must be considered before CNC machining composite materials to achieve the desired tolerance and precision. Here are some of the things to keep in mind when CNC machining composite:

Use Sharp Tools

Tool sharpness is critical in CNC machining composite materials due to their abrasive nature and other properties. Sharp tools directly affect the cut’s quality, operational efficiency, and finished part’s surface finish. While dull tools can cause complications such as increased heat, rapid tool degradation, and material tearing, sharp tools reduce friction and tool wear. Therefore, you wouldn’t have to worry about burrs, bind, or kickbacks when machining composites with sharp CNC tools.

Consider Dual Spindles and Multiple Tables

To increase throughput and ensure continuous operation, you can integrate dual spindles and multiple tables when machining complex and high-volume composite parts. The dual spindles enable the machine to work on two parts simultaneously, doubling the production capacity without increasing production costs.

Choose the Right Spindle Speed and Feed

Spindle speed and feed rate are other critical parameters in composite CNC machining because they help maintain efficiency and quality. Although low RPM spindles with high torque might be ideal for heavy-duty metal cutting, they are ineffective when handling composites.

Higher spindle speeds ranging from 18,000 to 24,000 RPM are ideal for composite cutting because they reduce chip load without compromising surface quality, ultimately minimizing lead time and ensuring an extended tool life span. Moreover, some spindles provide versatility with adjustable speeds adequate for handling lightweight composite materials at high speeds and heavier, non-ferrous metals at low speeds between 10,000 to 12,000 RPM.

Ensure Proper Dust Removal

CNC composite machining creates significant harmful dust and particles, creating a cleanup hassle and major safety and health concerns. Carbon fiber dust can produce fine particulates that can be inhaled and pose serious health risks. Similarly, these composite dust particles can damage the CNC machinery, resulting in frequent downtime and maintenance.

Hence, you must consider dust removal mechanisms and systems to maintain a clean work zone, protect help machinists’ health, and ensure the quality of finish, machine longevity, and the tooling involved.

Tool Holder and Cutting Angle

Using the right tool holder when machining composite helps improve the tool’s stability and ensure the cut’s precision. The tool’s stability helps to reduce tool wear and risk of delamination. Machining experts recommend using hydraulic and shrink-fit holders due to their superior gripping strength and precision. Similarly, employ optimal cutting angles to make clean cuts through the composite layers without pulling or fraying.

Quality Control and Assurance

To satisfy customer requirements, increase productivity, and reduce waste, it would be best to maintain high-quality standards when CNC machining composites. It would help to conduct regular inspections at different stages of the machining process to identify and correct defects early.

Experts recommend machining composite materials with high-quality, precision tools that reduce tools and ensure consistency. Moreover, it would be best to adhere to relevant industry standards and get necessary certifications that attest to the quality and reliability of the machining process.


Composite materials are among the most challenging materials, making CNC machining the ideal technology for processing them into desired final products. Although it requires substantial expertise and experience, composite CNC machining allows for extensive design flexibility, precision, accuracy, and superior quality. The relevance of advanced CNC machining grows as composite materials become increasingly prevalent across medical, automotive, defense, marine, and aerospace industries.

AT-Machining Custom Carbon Fiber CNC Machining Supplier

AT-Machining is a renowned professional in the composite CNC machining field. Our experts leverage our cutting-edge machinery to devise innovative solutions to meet the demands of your projects. We are committed to delivering CNC-machined parts that meet the highest material standards and dimensional accuracy. Our engineers and quality control experts subject each part manufactured to strict quality control checks to ensure they are all built to specifications and defect-free. Upload your CAD file now to get an instant and reliable quotation!

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Hey there, I’m Sam!

From AT-Machining, I’m a CNC Machining Expert in this field for more than 20 years.  We offer cost-effective machining services from China. Ask for a quote for your ongoing or upcoming projects now!

Best Regards, Sam, Co-Founder

AT Machining

On-demand CNC Machining With Custom Finishes. You Design It, We'll Make It.